“Are you talking about the carousel or the Ferris wheel?” That’s a common question asked by employees at the Seattle Waterfront Arcade because customers are often confused. Outside the front door of the arcade on Pier 57, there’s The Great Wheel—Seattle’s 175-foot Ferris wheel. Inside the arcade on Miner’s Landing, there’s a much smaller, 30-horse carousel. To answer the question, we’re talking about the Seattle waterfront CAROUSEL.

Seattle Waterfront Carousel

Tove and I were wandering around the Seattle waterfront the other night when we spotted a neon sign near The Great Wheel screaming “Carousel.” We’d both been in that area hundreds of time before, but we apparently never paid much attention to the sign. That wasn’t the case this time around. Not only did we see the sign, we decided to take a spin on the Seattle waterfront carousel. A ticket for the “historic” Seattle waterfront carousel (it’s dated to the early 20th century) costs $6 per person. Tove and I paid our money and immediately jumped on the ride. There was no one else even waiting to get on, but that didn’t stop them from giving us a whirl. We were literally the only two people on the carousel at the time. I imagine it usually gets much busier than that, but I’m honestly not sure.

seattle waterfront carousel

A ride on the Seattle waterfront carousel only lasts two and a half minutes. After the ride, the employee who operated the carousel told us that’s about average. Just because the carousel is on the waterfront doesn’t mean it provides incredible views. You get to see the inside of the arcade, and also tourists flocking to The Great Wheel outside when you pass by the front windows.

Tove and Silje on a Miner's Landing carousel horse

While Tove and I often act like kids, we are (believe it or not) adults. I’m pretty sure the carousel wasn’t built for folks like us — unless, of course, we had kids. A carousel is a carousel is a carousel to children. So, even though the Seattle waterfront carousel is jammed into a small arcade, kids are going to love the ride no matter what.

UPDATE: We now have kids and can confirm what we initially suspected. They LOVE riding on the carousel at Miner’s Landing, or any carousel for that matter (including Woodland Park Zoo).

So, is the Seattle waterfront carousel worth the $6.00 you pay for it? I guess it all depends on how much you value your $6. If you’re tight with your cash, save it for the much bigger and better Ferris wheel outside. If you have children and feel like some entertainment (or a break from gloomy Seattle weather), you should take a spin.

Have you ever taken ride on the Miners Landing carousel? What did you think of it? We’d love to hear from you! Please leave a comment below or connect with us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Don’t forget to also check out Seattle Bloggers for more great places to check out in the Emerald City!

Seattle waterfront carousel at Miner's Landing